Is your factory running out of space?

Is your factory running out of space?

Racking and shelving storage solutions are essential within warehouses and most offices, a bad racking/storage solution can interrupt the flow of work, and even be dangerous at times- this is why it is essential to have well thought out, efficient storage within any work place. Companies such as Commercial and Industrial Interiors Ltd provide safe, effective storage solutions to suit your company’s needs. They will work around and adapt to any product requirements to maximise space efficiency, value and safety.

Commercial and Industrial Interiors Ltd are the Dexion distributers for the North East; CI Interiors have proudly used this trusted supplier for 30 years, using Dexion for hundreds of jobs, shown within their vast industrial portfolio. We use a skilled team to install the racking, which then goes up swiftly, minimalizing the disruption of production, allowing you to continue work within no time at all. The process is monitored along the way to insure the quality of work.

Along with supplying and installing, Commercial and Industrial Interiors Ltd also provide an inspection service. It is a legal requirement to have racking inspected every year, or every 6 months for large, heavily used racking. CI Interiors offer a service to inspect and give the ok to your racking, helping point out small problem areas to catch issues to prevent any accidents, or to prevent damage spreading. They aim to be with you every step of the way, to assist with your racking/storage needs where required, whether it be for free quotations, an inspection of existing racking, or for an installation.

Commercial and Industrial Interiors Ltd are experts in the racking/shelving/product material handling industry. There is always a solution and efficient method for storage. They help organise your warehouse with systematic storage solutions- there is no job too big or too small that wouldn’t benefit from the help of CI Interiors.

There are lots of different storage options available. Pallet racking and long span shelving are probably the most commonly known and used, but there are many additional options available to also make the most of your space, and maximise productivity for the specific stock items that you usually hold. For example: deep storage, push back racking, shuttle systems, carousel storage, etc. The shuttle system saves space and man power, lowering overall costs within your company, with the use of a shuttle to retrieve products and pallets from a single picking point.

A carousel storage system makes use of your vertical space, storing upwards, rotating your stock. But for a simpler solution, long span and pallet racking can be perfect. They can both be adapted to specific lengths, and heights; isle widths can be varied to suit wider vehicles, or narrow isles can be used to fit as much into the space available as possible. On the other hand mobile storage, archival storage and long span again, can be used nicely within office environments. Mobile storage takes up less room, so can be tucked in within an office space, providing quick access, efficient storage for filing or day to day needs.

Commercial & Industrial Interiors are a North East company, who are specialists in the field of internal office building and construction, demountable office partitioning, materials handling and storage systems. If you would like more information then please call 01661 836 304 or visit the CI Interiors website today.