Ready to Promote Your Business?
You’re ready to start your business. You’ve spent hours developing a plan, scrutinising your brand and had an amazing website built. Ready to start spreading the word, off into the world you go.
Local SEO increases visibility of your business by driving your website to the top of local listings. If you have a local business, you need geographically-relevant traffic to your site through specifically targeted local rankings that will launch your company to reach the target customer demographic in your market.

97% Go Online to Find Local Services
When you have Direct Submit help you on an ongoing basis, you are gaining the knowledge of our Digital Marketing experts. We are here to help ensure that your online presence stays up to date, functional and optimised for it’s best performance.
You won’t be able to see them all, but they will drastically improve your site’s performance in the Search Engines, attracting new site visitors and – hopefully, new business opportunities.
The Direct Submit team will help you make the changes, and work with you to ensure you’re getting every advantage you can.
Studies show that 97% of consumers now go online to find local services, with 82% of smart phone users use a search engine when looking for a local business or service. Think about the extra sales and business you would get from being top of those local search results.
With a focus on building long-term relationships with our clients, we deliver services including SEO, Local SEO, PPC, content marketing, social media marketing, web design and e-commerce website’s.
Our specialist Local SEO services have the potential to enhance your sales without putting a dent in your marketing budget. It is one of those investments that grow exponentially over time. Given that local SEO has better ROI, every business should give it serious consideration.